Nov 29, 2013

Catatan Kuratorial Program Perspektif

No Bond, No Boundaries

Dahulu, manusia meyakini ada batas dan ikatan yang kuat dan jelas. Secara umum, ikatan ini dibangun atas batas-batas kewilayahan, kekeluargaan, dan lebih jauh lagi, kesamaan nasib! Perkembangan media dan banyak teknologi baru menciptakan sebuah arus baru kebudayaan. Kini, ada batas-batas dan ikatan baru yang kemudian didefinisikan sebagai imaji sosial, berangkat dari pembayangan atas kesamaan-kesamaan.
Terdapat sebuah transformasi besar dan perubahan sosial yang terjadi akibat aliran investasi internasional, migrasi, akselerasi media, penyebaran sistem gagasan, dan perkembangan teknologi mutakhir. Beberapa indikasi ini dapat kita amati dengan jelas pada sistem bahasa, media masa, dan gaya hidup urban. Namun, lebih dari itu, kini banyak petani kecil yang terengah-engah karena aliran investasi besar yang mengancam tanah dan ladang produksinya, atau nelayan yang jauh dekatnya ia mampu melaut diperhitungkan dari harga minyak dunia.
Selain menciptakan interkoneksi, globalisasi membuat banyak homogenisasi dalam beberapa hal, namun juga diikuti dengan usaha-usaha untuk menciptakan heterogenisasi. Masyarakat kini mencoba mencari dan membayangkan kesamaan-kesamaan berikut perbedaanya, kemudian membentuk ikatan baru dengan menembus batas-batas yang sebelumnya telah terbentuk.
Melalui "No Bond No Boundaries" ini, Festival Film Dokumenter ingin menawarkan cermin untuk berefleksi, sejauh mana batas-batas dan ikatan dilebur, dan sejauh mana ikatan dan batas baru ini diciptakan. Pada program ini, FFD menawarkan film-film yang mencoba mengingatkan atau melupakan, hal-hal yang dibayangkan sebagai pembentuk identitas sosial.
Batas-batas geopolitik dan territorial akan disuguhkan dengan dramatis pada film Char…the No-Man’s Island, 15 in Gaza, dan Boundary. Kemudian film Breaking the News yang berhasil menunjukkan penetrasi media di Timor Leste akan berada pada menu perspektif ini. Di dalam Working with Child Around, kita akan bersama-sama menyaksikan batas-batas formal perkantoran yang dicairkan untuk mengurangi tingkat stress seorang Ibu. Lalu, kita akan diajak untuk melintasi batas-batas antara hidup dan mati dalam I’m Breathing.
Selain isu di dalam film, No Bond No Boundaries, akan membawa kita pada eksplorasi bercerita yang mendobrak pakem-pakem dokumenter yang sudah mapan sebelumnya. Film 400WORDS karya Ismail Basbeth dan Reality So? karya Yosep Anggi Noen yang berjalan diantara fiksi dan dokumenter akan sama-sama kita perbincangkan dalam sesi Hybrid Documentary. Setelah sesi itu, kita akan melihat seorang Ibu yang mencoba bunuh diri, dalam Mother.
Bagaimana dengan documenter interaktif? Feri Sirait dan teman-teman kolaboratornya membuat penyajian data dengan teknik penceritaan yang melibatkan penonton secara aktif. Selain itu, Edwin yang sebelumnya menyutradari Post Card from the Zoo, kini akan mencoba menghadirkan 17000 Islands : An Interactive Experiment In Documentary Image Making bersama dengan Thomas Østbye. Mereka akan hadir bersama kita dalam sesi “Dokumenter Interaktif: Sebuah Perkenalan”.

Daftar Film Perspektif

Siar, Daur Baur
Sutradara : Dana Putra

Chocolate Comedy
Sutradara : Chairun Nissa

Check-Point Boy
Sutradara : Shireen Abu Hamda, Yaqoub Al-Tamimi

The Street Artist
Sutradara : Dialla Zidani

How Delicious
Sutradara : Mahmoud Al-khawaja

Sutradara : Lamees Abd Eljalil

15 in Gaza
Sutradara : Wesam Mousa and Rana Ayoub

Working with Child Around
Sutradara : Wuna Wu

Working Class Heroes
Sutradara : Huub Ruijgrok & Arno van Beest

This Ain't California
Sutradara : Marten Persiel

Vergiss Mein Nicht
Sutradara : David Sieveking

I Am Breathing
Sutradara : Emma Davie, Morag McKinnon

Everybody's Child
Sutradara : Garry Fraser

CHAR... the No-Man's Island
Sutradara : Sourav Sarangi

Los Pantalones Rotos (Broken Pants)
Sutradara : Gabrielle V Brady

Breaking The News
Sutradara : Nicholas Hansen

Sutradara : Nontawat Numbenchapol

Reality, So?
Sutradara : Yosep Anggi Noen

Sutradara : Vorakorn Ruetaivanichkul

Sutradara : Ismail Basbeth
 No Bond, No Boundaries

Long time ago, human believed on the distinct yet powerful bond and boundary. Generally, this bond was built upon the regional boundaries, kinship and moreover, the similarity fate! The development of media and new technologies creates a new wave of culture. Nowadays, there are new bonds and boundaries which are later defined as social imagination, starting from the shadowing of similarities. There is a major transformation and social change happened because of the international investment flows, migration, media acceleration, deployment of a system of ideas and development of cutting-edge technology. Some of these indications can be observed clearly on the language system, mass media and urban life style. On the other hand, now many poor farmers are panting because of the big investment flows which threatened their land and production land, or fisherman whose sails are depended on the world’s oil price.
In addition of creating interconnection, globalization leads to a lot of homogenizations in some aspects, but it is also followed by efforts to create the heterogenization. Society is now trying to find and visualize the similarities and differences, then making new bond by penetrating some boundaries which previously had been formed.
Through No Bond No Boundaries, Festival Film Dokumenter (FFD) would like to offer a mirror to reflect, the extent to which the boundaries and bonds are melted, the extent to which the new boundaries and bonds are created. In this program, FFD offers films which are trying to remind or forget, the things which are envisioned as the framer of social identity.
Boundaries of geopolitics and territory will be presented with the dramatic movies Char…the No-Man’s Island, 15 in Gaza and Boundary. Then "Breaking the News" which is successfully showing the penetration of media in Timor Leste (East Timor) will be on the menu of this perspective. In Working with Child Around, we will altogether witness the formal boundaries of the office which are melted to reduce the level of stress of a Mom. Next, we will be invited to cross the boundaries between life and death in I’m Breathing.
In addition to the issues in the film, No Bond No Boundaries will take us on an exploration of storytelling which breaks the established documentary formula. The film entitled 400WORDS by Ismail Basbeth and Reality So? by Yosep Anggi Noen which run between fiction and documentary will be discussed in the session of “Hybrid Documentary”. After the session, we will look at a Mother who tries to commit suicide in Mother.
How about the interactive documentary? Feri Sirait and his collaborative friends make a data presentation with storytelling technique which actively involves the audiences. In addition, Edwin who previously directed Post Card from the Zoo, is now trying to present "17000 Islands: an interactive experiment in documentary image making" along with Thomas Ø stbye. They will be with us in the session of “Dokumenter Interaktif: Sebuah Perkenalan”.

Perspective Films

Siar, Daur Baur
Director : Dana Putra

Chocolate Comedy
Director : Chairun Nissa

Check-Point Boy
Director : Shireen Abu Hamda, Yaqoub Al-Tamimi

The Street Artist
Director : Dialla Zidani

How Delicious
Director : Mahmoud Al-khawaja

Director : Lamees Abd Eljalil

15 in Gaza
Director : Wesam Mousa and Rana Ayoub

Working with Child Around
Director : Wuna Wu

Working Class Heroes
Director : Huub Ruijgrok & Arno van Beest

This Ain't California
Director : Marten Persiel

Vergiss Mein Nicht
Director : David Sieveking

I Am Breathing
Director : Emma Davie, Morag McKinnon

Everybody's Child
Director : Garry Fraser

CHAR... the No-Man's Island
Director : Sourav Sarangi

Los Pantalones Rotos (Broken Pants)
Director : Gabrielle V Brady

Breaking The News
Director  : Nicholas Hansen

Director : Nontawat Numbenchapol

Reality, So?
Director : Yosep Anggi Noen

Director : Vorakorn Ruetaivanichkul

Director : Ismail Basbeth
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